Life in the Spirit

At the center of our life is the worship of the One God and Father, through his Son Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity is our source and our goal. Orthodox worship reaches its high point each Sunday at the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. At this service, the body and blood of Christ (the Eucharist) is offered to all Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves. For us, the Divine Liturgy is our foretaste of the Kingdom of Heaven. It is the fullest experience of the joyous Heavenly banquet presently possible.


Alongside our liturgical life, we offer Christian education for children and adults. Our Church School program for the children and youth of the parish runs from September to June each year, and for adults we have offered a range of classes recently: Bible studies, book discussions, as well as topics connected to Orthodox worship, prayer, and history. Classes are also offered for those who seek to be received into the Orthodox Church.


An important ministry in the Orthodox Church is the ministry of singing. Orthodox worship is conducted through continuous chant and song. Plus, we have no instruments in church  —  we sing a capella! And so our choir members are vital participants in the life of worship.

We have an active ministry to the elderly and homebound. Our sewing guild prepares magnificent vestments and altar cloths. Parish bakers assist with our weekly needs at St Nicholas as well as with seasonal fundraisers. And we have a dedicated and involved parish council. Lay leadership at St Nicholas is a valued part of parish life!

And keeping before us the words of our Lord concerning ministry to the “least of these my brethren” (Matthew 25:40), we strive each year to deepen our involvement in ministries at the local, regional, and national levels. And just as we ask our parishioners to give a first portion their income to the church, the church itself gives a first portion of its income to charitable causes in Salem, the North Shore, and around the world.